The Renewable Energy Project Community Benefit Funds were established by ESB and joint venture partners Galetech Energy, Greencoat and Enercon with the intention of helping the communities neighbouring our wind farms to become more sustainable through the support of positive local initiatives and activities.
The funds seeks to address current and emerging issues, needs and opportunities within communities, enriching lives and creating brighter possibilities for local residents.
SECAD Partnership CLG currently administers 21 community funds which surround eighteen wind farms owned by ESB subsidiary companies, and three other wind farms such companies co-own with Galetech Energy, Greencoat and Enercon.
We are excited to begin working with new Solar Community Benefit Funds in the future.
How do we make an application?
How does our group apply for funding?
- Complete the application form.
- Follow the guidelines, and fill in all sections of the application form with relevant information.
- Provide supporting information as applicable.
- Submit the application form, and supporting information to the GMO.
How does our group claim the grant?
Grants from the Funds are made retrospectively, as such; monies will only be made available to an organisation upon completion of their proposed project. For grant aid to be paid out, you must submit a grant claim form and other necessary supporting documentation as stated within the form itself and your signed contract. Incomplete claims will result in delays processing your grant.
Some successful groups may receive an advance payment of 60% of the award value. To qualify for advance payments, projects must fulfil the following qualifying criteria:
- Purchase of goods, services and equipment only
- Maximum contract value £/€6,000
Once the contract has been agreed and signed by both parties, SECAD will transfer 60% of the contract amount to the group / organisation bank account nominated by the applicant. The final payment will be made in line with the claims process outlined above.
How much can my group apply?
How to accept a grant offer?
In order to accept a grant offer all contracts must be signed and returned via the link provided to the online signature platform within 15 working days of receipt.
By signing and returning, you are agreeing to a number of terms, and conditions which may be contained within the contract. Please read your contract carefully and contact SECAD if you have any questions relating to it.
How will applications be appraised?
Is it possible to appeal a decision?
What are the themes / areas of focus for the funds?
- Education and skills
- Health, safety and well-being
- Environment and habitat conservation
- Energy efficiency and sustainability
- Culture and heritage
- Recreation, sport and social inclusion
- Tourism*
What is the Area of Benefit (AOB)?
The ‘Area of Benefit’ or AOB is a radius of up to 10km around a wind or solar farm, which is set to ensure that communities directly neighbouring our wind farms benefit most from the funds. As such, applications from within the AOB will receive priority over all others.
In order for an application from outside the AOB to be considered for funding it must demonstrate the benefit provided to the communities within the AOB.
What supporting documentation is needed?
The supporting documentation required for each application depends largely on the type of project you are seeking support for. However, at a minimum you will be asked to provide the following:
- A copy of your organisation’s bank, credit union or post office account statement
- Quotations are required to verify the value of each item you wish to purchase, as follows:
- Up to £/€5,000.00 – 1 quote.
- Over £/€5,000.00 – 3 quotes.
- For works relating to renovation/construction/refurbishment:
- Permission to proceed from land owner.
- Planning permission, or a letter of exemption from the relevant Local Authority.
- For expenditure in excess of €10,000.00 tax clearance must be available for both the applicant and service provider for groups located in the Republic of Ireland.
- For groups located in Northern Ireland there is a template tax declaration available for use in our website www.communitybenefitfunds.ie/help, this template must be completed and uploaded to your application.
When do the Renewable Energy Project Community Benefit Funds start?
On average a fund will start six to 12 months after the wind farm starts producing electricity, and will run for the lifetime of the wind farm (usually 20 to 25 years)
When, and how will we be notified of a decision?
Who can apply for support?
- Registered charities.
- Community development groups.
- Tidy town committees.
- Sports, and recreation clubs.
- Primary, and secondary schools.
Who can the Renewable Energy Project Community Benefit Funds support?
Typically, the fund is available to community and voluntary organisations for projects which are based within a given distance of a particular wind farm.
Who do we contact about the Renewable Energy Project Community Benefit Funds?
SECAD Partnership CLG administers the Renewable Energy Project Community Benefit Funds on behalf of the ESB and its joint venture partners Galetech Energy and Greencoat.
Contact details for SECAD are as follows:
Phone – 021 461 3432
Email: info@secad.ie
Web: www.secad.ie
SECAD Partnership CLG
Midleton Community Enterprise Centre
Owennacurra Business Park
Co. Cork
P25 Y893