Grousemount Wind Farm

Grousemount Wind Farm

Fund Details

Fund Status:

Closing Date: March 7, 2025

Powered By:


Suggested Award Value:

Area of Benefit:

Grousemount Wind Farm

Kerry Wind Power Ltd. a subsidiary of ESB and owners and operators of the Grousemount Wind Farm in Co. Kerry.

“The ESB Renewable Strategy recognises that achieving a transition to a low carbon economy can only occur through responsible development with includes genuine community engagement. ESB established wind farm community benefit funds with the aim to encourage stronger interaction and engagement with communities living in the vicinity of wind farms and to help the communities neighbouring ESB wind farms to become more sustainable through the support of positive local initiatives and activities. The funds are available to support projects that are aligned with local needs and opportunities such as the purchase of equipment, building or refurbishment work. Support for larger projects over a multi-annual basis may also be considered.  Approximately €1million is awarded annually via ESB’s nominated grant making organisations.”

The Grousemount Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund (the “Fund”) will provide €145,605 each year to the wind farm community within a defined area of benefit for the duration of the wind farm lifetime. With an expected lifetime of 25 years and including annual CPI indexing the estimated total community investment from the Fund will be over €4.7 million.

In May 2020, ESB. also made available a special Covid-19 response emergency fund amounting to €31,500 as an advance from the annual Fund to communities surrounding the Grousemount Wind Farm to deliver targeted services and support to the most vulnerable during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Defined Area of Benefit

Zone 1

(a) A 2km corridor along the delivery route from Ballyvourney, through Coolea to the Grousemount Wind Farm site entrance, up through Coolnoohil, the Glen (Morley’s bridge) and on to Kilgarvan via R569.

(b) A 2km radius around the Grousemount Wind Farm site boundary.

Zone 2

(a) A 10km radius around the centre of the Grousemount Wind Farm.

(b) A 1.5km corridor of the grid connection to Ballyvouskill 220kV Substation (to be reviewed in year 3)

Note: Applications from groups outside of these Zones may also make applications to the Fund. However, such applications will need to be very clear in terms of their impact for the people that live particularly in Zone 1 in order for their application to be considered.

* Please note, awards may exceed the above suggested value if a project is identified as being of significant benefit to the community.


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